
댄스가 치매예방

2003.12.23 01:47 2,210 0
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신체운동중에서 유일하게 댄스만이 치매예방에 도움이 된다함.

다른운동들은 치매줄이는데 별 도움이 않되는데
댄스만은 많은 정신운동이 된다함.

댄스를 1주일에 3-4회하는 사람이
치매확률이 76%가 적다는 사실은
제비가 유혹하는 상투적인 말이 아니라는것을
영어원문을 봐야 믿겠지.

A study at the Albert Einstein Center in New York found dancing was the only physical activity associated with a drop in the incidence of dementia. "Dance is not purely physical in many ways, it also requires a lot of mental effort," Joseph Verghese, told the Washington Post. "Though many studies have explored the relationship between activity and dementia, if you review them, the (activities) that are purely physical do not seem to have any effect reducing dementia." The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found those who danced frequently -- three or four times a week -- showed 76 percent less incidence of dementia than those who danced only once a week or not at all. The study also showed that doing puzzles, mind games and other mentally stimulating activities also reduce the incidence of dementia, but that purely physical activities -- swimming, bicycling, walking, climbing stairs -- had no preventive value

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