
보고 / BMTA Maintainers Report

2007.09.12 04:57 1,123 2
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지난 일요일 (09/09/07) 10명의 악우님들이 BMT 관리작업을 다녀와서, 그 결과를 BMTA의 GA관리책임자인 Mr. Tom Keene에게 보낸 작업보고서입니다. 참조하시기 바랍니다.
BMTA Maintainers Report
To submit by email: Fill out this form, save, and send by email attachment to Maintenance Director.
To submit by mail: Print, fill out, and send by U. S. Mail to Maintenance Director.
Please try to submit a report within one week of your work trip.

Reported By Jaehee Park Work Trip Date 09/09/07 Section 2b

Report hours to the nearest half-hour. Travel hours are those you spent in a vehicle.
Hyokun ChangChisung NohYoungkil Chang MemberMemberMember 555 555 101010
Taejoong KimHeeman KimMooyoung Lee MemberMemberMember 555 555 101010
Jaehee ParkHonggik Kim MemberMember 55 55 1010
Kiryong SongChangmyoung Kim MemberMember 55 55 1010

DESCRIPTION OF WORK DONE: (List approximate measure or quantity.)
X Blazes painted, 3 mile(s) Water diversions cleaned,mile(s) or #
X Vegetation cleared from R/W, 3 mile(s) X Blowdowns removed, #2(one 10inch and the other 1 foot in diameter)
X Tread reshaped/restored, 5 feet Water diversons installed,mile(s) or #

Other work done:

ADDITIONAL WORK NEEDED: (Say where, if possible)
Clear vegetation:
Remove blow downs: A couple of blowdowns need to be removed about 0.5 mile northbound from No-Name Gap. The blowdowns do not dead block the trail, but cross about 5 feet high over the trail.
Sidehill to reshape tread: About a quarter of a mile northbound toward Bryson Gap, some sidehill works are necessary to improve the treadway.
Clean or build water diversions: About 0.3 miles nothbound past No-Name Gap some water bars and other diversions need work.
Paint or repaint blazes:
Add or replace signs:
Other notes: As reported to you before, climbing northbound just out of No-Name Gap the trail needs some switchbacks installation to stop some erosion problems.

Does this section need a BMTA-monthly work trip? No, not in this season.
Why? Since the previous worktrip pass on 06/10/07, all the tree branches as well as thorny briars and brambles were shown not to grow so fast this time.
Thank you for maintaining the Benton MacKaye Trail.

댓글목록 2

이만호님의 댓글

이만호 2007.09.12 12:35
박재희BMT관리 팀장의 Report를 올리려니 왠지 엉키네요. 누가 제대로 올리실 수 있는 분의 협조를 바랍니다. 뭔가 포맷이 다른가??????

jhp님의 댓글

jhp 2007.09.13 13:50
위에서 셋째줄에 있는 첨부#1를 클릭하시면 온전히 볼 수 있읍니다.
전체 2,002 건 - 100 페이지
jhp 1,291 2007.10.03
jhp 1,078 2007.10.03
장효건 1,436 2007.09.24
장효건 1,272 2007.09.22
jhp 1,231 2007.09.20
장효건 1,319 2007.09.19
이만호 1,372 2007.09.17
김삿갓 1,363 2007.09.16
이만호 1,328 2007.09.16
김삿갓 1,395 2007.09.14
jhp 1,210 2007.09.12
jhp 1,148 2007.09.12
jhp 1,124 2007.09.12
심재문 1,399 2007.09.12
jhp 1,067 2007.09.11