
전달 / BMTA

2014.03.30 03:31 1,505 1


아래 Message를 BMTA의 Tom Keene으로 부터 받았읍니다.
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FROM Thomas Keene TO You + 37 More

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Thomas Keene

Dear Loyal and Hard-Working BMTA Section Maintainers,

It’s been a while since we have had a work report from many of you. Unfortunately just doing the work to maintain your section is not enough. We NEED your work reports!

Why? Several reasons, not the least of which is it lets us know the trail is, in fact, being maintained!

But beyond that THE FOREST SERVICE REQUIRES THEM of us. In these tight budget times the USDA Forest Service increasingly relies on volunteer help. As a result regional and district offices of the Forest Service are required to document and manage such volunteer work. The more work and travel hours we pass along to the district offices, the better those offices look to their superiors. When those reports do not appear it’s a problem for us, for our partners in the district offices, for their bosses in the regional offices – and so on.

So… please send in those reports. If you missed reporting a couple since the annual meeting last November, do a bit of catch-up. And then try to keep up!

As before, the Maintainers Report Form is the first link on the BMTA website Maintainer Page < http://www.bmta.org/MaintainersPage.htm>

Just download the form, fill it out, SAVE TO YOUR COMPUTER WITH REPORT DATE IN THE FILENAME, and send by attachment to you maintenance director(s).

•Send reports on GA sections, plus Section 11, to Tom Keene (tkbmta AT gmail DOT com) and Ralph Heller (rshbmta AT gmail DOT com).
•Send reports on sections in TN & NC north of US 64 to Bill Hodge (billhodge AT trailcrews DOT org) and Rick Harris (HarrisRi AT aol DOT com).

So… please send in your reports. Just to be perfectly clear….if we don’t receive a work report from you AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR we may declare your section VACANT and pass it along to someone else.

Thanks for all you do!

The BMTA Maintenance Directors

Tom Keene
Georgia Maintenance Director
Benton MacKaye Trail

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