
전달 / 2011 Annual Meeting of the BMTA

2011.10.22 10:34 1,367 0


Title: 2011 Annual Meeting of the Benton MacKaye Trail Association
From: Bmta-nl Add to Contacts
To: bmtamembers2011

Make Your Plans Now To Join Us!

This year’s annual meeting will be held November 4-6 at Coker Creek Village in Coker Creek, TN.
Join us for a good time in the Cherokee National Forest. Fun hikes are scheduled for Friday after-
noon, Saturday, and Sunday morning and are listed below. The business meeting, including the
election and induction of the 2012 BMTA Board of Directors, will take place at 4:30 PM Saturday,
November 5th. The meeting will be followed by dinner and a “Hoedown” so wear a big smile and
be prepared to learn some country dance steps – no experience required!

The annual meeting is a great opportunity to put down the tools and fellowship with existing friends
and to make new friends. It is the best opportunity of the year to meet the directors, ask questions,
and learn more about the history and purpose of the Association and the Trail.

The cabin accommodations are all reserved for the weekend but there still remains plenty of
space in the men’s and women’s bunkhouses. Space for self-contained campers is also available
on site; utility hook ups, however, are not provided. There is a bed and breakfast in Ducktown,
www.ocoeewhitehousebb.com which is located south of Coker Creek and there are numerous
lodging options located in Tellico Plains, www.tennesseehosts.com/tellico_plains.htm or
www.EastTNGeotourism.org, located to the north on Highway 68.

As always, there is no charge to attend the business meeting of the association and your
attendance and participation is welcomed and encouraged. To make your reservation and
payment for on-site accommodations and meals, please visit our website www.bmta.org
and look under the “Activities Calendar” heading. Please make your reservations soon. The
deadline for meal, bunkhouse, or camper reservations and payments is Wednesday, October 26.
Pay pal is available to facilitate your payment but if you opt to pay by mail, please e-mail me
at bmtahiker@aol.com to let me know payment is on the way. We look forward to seeing you
at Coker Creek in November!

David Blount – Annual Meeting Chairman

Sycamore Creek Trail on the BMT, optional tour of the Donley Cabin
4.5 miles, stream crossing, in and out hike. Relatively level hike along an old logging road /
railroad bed.
Hike Leader: Rick Harris. Depart from the Coker Creek Village parking lot at noon.

Sandy Gap to Unicoi Gap on the BMT
8.1 miles, rated difficult for elevation gain. Beautiful ridgeline walk along the NC/ TN state line
with marker, lunch at the scenic ruins of Doc Roger's old TB sanitarium.
Hike Leader: Rick Harris. Depart from the Coker Creek Village parking lot at 8:30 am.

Turtletown Creek Falls
4 miles RT, moderate loop trail hike follows Turtletown creek, continues on Shrinebone Ridge
with scenic views of the Hiwassee River. Overlooks two beautiful waterfalls.
Hike Leader: Liz Carter. Depart from the Coker Creek Village parking lot at 9 am

Conasauga Falls
1.5 miles, easy hike with a big payoff, Conasauga Falls
Hike Leader: Liz Carter. Depart from the Coker Creek Village parking lot at 9 am

Unicoi Turnpike Trail/ BMT.
Come walk some actual pieces of the famous Cherokee Trail of Tears of 200 years ago, and then
the other half is the Benton MacKaye Trail. 7 miles total. The trip includes CCC camp site and
side trip to Buck Bald’s vista. Moderate hike with shuttle
Hike Leader: Richard Sullivan. Depart from the Coker Creek Village parking lot at 9 am

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