
전달 / Georgia Work Trip Saturday Sept 10

2011.08.31 12:07 1,313 0


Mon, August 29, 2011 8:24:27 PM
Georgia Work Trip Saturday Sept. 10
From: Ralph Heller View Contact
To: rshatl@etcmail.com

Sept.10 - Georgia Work Trip. We will work on Section 10b in the Cohutta Wilderness. It’s a beautiful
section, from the crossing of Jacks River Trail to the Spanish Oak Gap (aka the intersection with
the Hemptop Trail.) Mostly pruning back vegetation; a few small blowdowns, bowsaw size. Meet
at the Village Restaurant in Blue Ridge at 8:00 AM. Or meet at the trailhead, Dally Gap on FS 22
at 9:40am. We will walk down the Jacks River Trail to hit the BMT, then work up toward Spanish
Oak Gap, then walk back to Dally via Hemptop Trail. FYI, it takes close to an hour to drive from
Blue Ridge to Dally Gap. For information contact Tom Keene (tkbmta AT gmail DOT com or

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