
전달 / Tom Keene new Georgia Maintenance Director

2011.09.27 14:10 1,282 0


Section Maintainers - Georgia Tom Keene new Georgia Maintenance Director
From: Ralph Heller View Contact
To: Walt Cook ; Bill Hamrick ; Curt Voogt ; Darcy Douglas ; Dave Maddox ; David Blount ; Delmar Yoder ... more
Cc: Richard G. Evans

Fellow section maintainers in Georgia,

Tom Keene has taken over as BMTA Maintenance Director – Georgia. I was filling in temporarily
this past year until Tom was able to assume this position. I will be assisting Tom with some
of the duties of Maintenance Director. Please send your work reports to him and also copy me.
I will be entering your work hours and work descriptions in a database in order to track work done
by volunteers on the BMT. I have a new email address for my BMT activities. Please send your
reports to this address, rshbmta@gmail.com. Tom also has a new email address. That address
is tkbmta@gmail.com.

The hot weather should be over. We are entering a great period to be out in the woods. Please
get out, check on and work your sections. We now have a group of newly certified chain sawyers
who are eager to try out their new training. Let us know where you need chainsaw help. Tom
and I would like to see work reports on all your sections within this next month. Again, thank you
all for your good work.

Ralph Heller

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