
전달 / Trail Maintenance

2011.06.17 11:50 1,349 0


Trail maintenance
From: Ralph Heller View Contact
To: Walt Cook ; Bill Hamrick ; Curt Voogt
; Darcy Douglas ; Dave Maddox
; David Blount ; Delmar Yoder
... more

If I haven’t heard from you recently, now is the time to get out on your sections to work on vegetation
growth. I am getting the final walk thru reports. I will try to get them out to the respective maintainers.
We have a number of blowdowns due to the spring storms. Many of them are small enough to get with
a bow saw. And as always, this time of year vegetation is encroaching on many parts of the trail in a
number of sections. Try and get out and work your section in the next several weeks and send me a
report if you haven’t already done so. If you need extra help, we can try to schedule a work trip for your
section. Let me know.

Ralph Heller
Interim Maintenance Director Georgia
Ph 706-636-3499

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