
전달 / Chainsaw Class

2011.04.02 12:41 1,307 0


Fri, April 1, 2011 8:28:05 PM
Chainsaw Class
From: Ralph Heller View Contact
To: Walt Cook ; Bill Hamrick ; Curt Voogt ; Darcy Douglas ; Dave Maddox ; David Blount ; Delmar Yoder ... more

Section Maintainers,

You all should have received the notification of a chainsaw class to be held April 29 & 30 that I sent out
to the general membership. I would really like for some more of our section maintainers to be certified in
chainsaw. No pressure, but it sure would be nice. If you are interested, please contact Larry Thomas of
the Conasauga Ranger District. Phone number is 706/695-6736 ext. 103. Let me know if you sign up.

Ralph Heller

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