전달 / BMTA Member Communication
2011.01.14 13:34
보낸사람: bmta - nl
받는사람: undisclosed-recipients
Dear Benton MacKaye Trail Association Member or friend,
We hope everyone had a happy and joyous Holiday Season. Most of us in the Tri-State area have had
to deal with snow and ice issues, extreme cold and other challenges, but what doesn't kill you makes
you stronger, as the Chinese Proverb says.
Our latest Newsletter has been delayed in posting, but I wanted to let everyone know about the upcoming
activities for the rest of the month. When the Newsletter is posted, we'll send you a link to it, and
remember to check the Activities Calendar link on the Web page for changes to scheduled activities.
On January 15th, we have a great Fun Hike planned at Lost Creek, TN. Meet at the Piggly Wiggly
Store in Ducktown, TN at 9 AM. Contact person: Liz Carter - 828-644-0645 or email
(efcarter2010@hotmail.com). BMT Section 12e: Big Lost Creek Trail, from FR 103 to FR 173 and return.
The hike will be 4 miles with a rating of easy. One of the most beautiful hikes follows Big Lost Creek.
Cascading rapids, falls, and beautiful rock formations on one side, and sparkling icicles on the other in
the winter. We plan to be back by 2 PM for a Board meeting. Mexican dinner in Copper Hill after the
Board meeting - all welcome.
Also on January 15th, we have the first Board of Directors Meeting of the new year. It will start at
2:30 PM at the Parish Hall at St. Marks Episcopal Church, 121 Hill Street, in Copperhill, TN. We are
timing it so that you can be on the Fun Hike and still make this meeting. Plan on supper at the Mexican
Restaurant after the meeting if you wish. Contact Dick Evans at email (bmtainfo@wildblue.net) or phone
828-479-2503. All interested persons are welcome to attend!
On January 22nd, we have a TN/NC Work Trip: Join us for logging out and clearing portions of Sections
15c and 16a. Meet at Coker Creek Visitor Center on Hwy 68 at 9 AM to carpool to Sandy Gap. Due to
the uncertainty of the weather in January, an alternative work plan at lower elevations may have to be
implemented. For this reason, it is important that you pre-register for this trip. Contact Rick Harris for
further information and to sign up: email (HarrisRi@aol.com) or phone 423-253-6358 home,
513-260-1184 cell.
January 29, we have another Fun Hike Planned. This one is the Wagon Train Trail, Brasstown Bald, GA.
This is an moderate difficulty, 6.5 mile hike. Very nice views, boulder fields and remarkable cliffs along
an old road bed. Hike from Brasstown Bald parking lot to Young Harris College. Shuttle required from
Sharp Methodist Church in Young Harris (14 mi. to trail head). Fee required to park at Brasstown Bald.
Optional meal after hike. This hike will pass through wilderness and will be limited to 12 participants.
The trip leader will be Shirley Banks. To pre-register, email Shirley at: (shirleymaybanks@gmail.com)
On February 5th, we have another Fun Hike, this one from Wayah Gap to Siler Bald, (4 Miles/Difficult)
Contact person: George Owen. Email (gowen2@tds.net) or by phone at 706-374-4716.
Another reminder - Dues are now due for the New Year. Just go to the Website at www.bmta.org and
click the Membership Info link to go to the Membership Page. You can pay using your credit or debit
card, or a Paypal account. For those wishing to pay by check, that page has a link to the Membership
Form to print out and mail. We have a new address in Cherry Log, Georgia, for memberships, but the
Atlanta address works just fine also. If you are not sure whether you have paid, just go to the Contact
Us Page and send us a note and we can check and let you know.
Come join us for one or more of the activities-the woods are fun, even in the winter!
Best regards,
Dick Evans
President, BMTA
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