
전달 / Maintainers Section 2c - BMT

2011.01.18 16:48 1,356 2


보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는사람: KACG

Ralph Heller View Contact
To: Korean Alpine Club of Georgia


Thank you for maintaining Section 2c. I am happy to inform you that 2c is one of the best maintained
sections along the BMT. It is so wonderful to hike along your section and see its great condition. As
described in the paragraphs below, I am starting to keep records of maintenance along the BMT. In order
to do this, I need reports from our maintainers. Since you are a group, you probably have one person
who can send in the reports. My records have the email address jayhpark@att.net for your club. Is that
now the best email address for contact to your club? I assume that is the address of Mr. Park, whom
I do not know. Please let me know if my information is correct and Mr. Parks full name, if he is to be
your person to contact. I also need a contact phone number. My records have two numbers, 770-
436-1907 and 770-677-7866. I have not been able to successfully call either number. Could you
please give me the best contact number?


Ralph Heller

Section Maintainer/Monitor,

Thank you for your volunteer work in maintaining a section of the BMT. The list of sections in Georgia
and those persons assigned to them is displayed below. Please let me know if you are correctly entered
in this list and whether you are actively maintaining your section. There are several sections(03a, 07a,
07d, &8a) which are in need of a maintainer. Also, let me know if you are interested in picking up one
of these sections or if you would like to switch to a different section from your present assignment. I am
temporarily performing the function of Hiking Director until we can fill this position, which has become
vacant. The first thing I would like to do is make sure that our records are correct as to who is maintaining
each section and to get coverage of the unassigned sections. I would also like for each maintainer to
hike their section and send me an evaluation of his/her section in the next several months and to let me
know whether they need help with such maintenance requirements as blowdowns, sidehilling, water bars
or other items which are beyond the normal requirements for a maintainer. Everyone should hike and report
on their section at least three times a year. If you need work help, I will plan to get some folks out on
one of the monthly work trips to put that section in good shape.

Another area that I would like to improve is our trail work and condition reporting procedure. I am working
on creating a computer database and data entry and report procedure for keeping track of and reporting
the condition of our trail sections. With this system, using your input, we will be able to pinpoint sections
of the trail that are in need of maintenance assistance. We will also be able to send reports to the Forest
Service, not only of trail condition, but of total hours worked on each district, Conasauga and Blue Ridge.
These reports will also be able to keep track of total hours worked by each section maintainer and by
persons participating in work trips. This is very important! The Forest Service needs those records to
create reports on their districts for work done by volunteers. An added bonus for us is that volunteers
times are tracked by the Forest Service, and those folks on record are eligible for awards for their
volunteer time such as nice tee shirts and caps and other recognitions.

To make this system work, you all need to fill out and send in the BMTA Section Maintainer Report, a
copy of which can be found in the Maintainer section of the BMTA web site. Directions on sending the
report are on the form. As acting Maintenance Director, I will be the person to whom the reports should
be sent. Of course, we will also still be using the Contact Us Reports sent from the web site by anyone
who wants to report trail conditions.

If you have any suggestions about how to make this system work as smoothly and easily as possible,
let me know.


Ralph Heller
Present Past President and Acting Georgia Maintenance Director, Benton MacKaye Trail Association
Phone: 770-235-760 Email: rshatl@etcmail.com

Section Numbers, Mileages and Maintainers Georgia

Section Id / Trailhead Names / Miles / Total / Maintainer Name

01a Springer Mt. » Big Stamp Gap 1.70 1.70 David Blount

01b Big Stamp Gap » 2nd Cross Trails 2.20 3.90 Darcy Douglas

01c 2nd Cross Trails » Three Forks 2.10 6.00 Dave Maddox

02a Three Forks » No Name Gap 2.60 8.60 George Owen

02b No Name Gap » Bryson Gap 3.00 11.60 Korean Alpine Club of Georgia

02c Bryson Gap » Toccoa River 2.80 14.40 Wes Clonts

02d Toccoa River » GA Hwy 60 3.60 18.00 Walt Cook

03a GA Hwy 60 » Wallalah-Licklog Saddle 2.20 20.20 Available

03b Wallalah-Licklog Saddle » Licklog-Rhodes Saddle 1.40 21.60 Seth Hegert

03c Licklog-Rhodes Saddle » Skeenah Gap 2.00 23.60 TJ Watson

04a Skeenah Gap » Payne Gap 2.10 25.70 Terry Hill

04b Payne Gap » Wilscot Gap, GA Hwy 60 3.20 28.90 Marty Dominy

05a Wilscot Gap » Ledford Gap 2.30 31.20 Dennis Bailey

05b Ledford Gap » Brawley Mt. 0.90 32.10 Clayton Norris

05c Brawley Mt. » Dial Rd. 2.40 34.50 Larry Dumas

05d Dial Rd. » Shallowford Bridge 1.90 36.40 Kevin O`Quinn

06a Shallowford Br. » Falls Branch (at Rd) 3.50 39.90 Walt Cook

06b Falls Branch (at Rd) » Stanley Gap Trail 1.20 41.10 Doug Kleiber

06c Stanley Gap Trail (old Rich Mt.) » -- 2.10 43.20 Carole Perry

06d Stanley Gap Trail » Weaver/Laurel Cr. Rd. 2.90 46.10 R. Heller

07a Weaver/Laurel Cr. Rd. » GA Hwy 515 2.60 48.70 - Available -

07b GA Hwy 515 » Shelter (Sisson`s) 1.70 50.40 Tom and Jane Keene

07c Shelter (Sisson`s) » Boardtown Road 2.30 52.70 T. O. Mitchell

07d Boardtown Rd » Bush Head Gap (rd) 2.10 54.80 - Available -

08a Bushy Head Gap » Hudson Gap 2.60 57.40 - Available -

08b Hudson Gap » McKenny Gap 1.50 58.90 - Available -

08c McKenny Gap » Hatley Gap 1.00 59.90 John Franetic

08d Hatley Gap » Fowler Mt. 1.30 61.20 John Franetic

08e Fowler Mt. » Halloway Gap 2.00 63.20 Tom and Jane Keene

08f Halloway » Double Hogpen Gap 1.20 64.40 Curt Voogt

08g Double Hogpen Gap » Flat Top Mt. 1.60 66.00 Dennis McClure

08h Flat Top Mt. » Dyer Gap 1.20 67.20 Bill Hamrick, John C. Smith

09a Dyer Gap » Pinhoti Intersection (SFT) 2.20 69.40 Bill Hamrick

09b Pinhoti Intersection (SFT) » Pate Gap 1.60 71.00 Mona Street

09c Pate Gap » Watson Gap 0.70 71.70 Delmar Yoder

10a Watson Gap » Jacks River Trail 2.60 74.30 Larry Rice

10b Jacks River Trail » Hemp Top Trail 1.50 75.80 Mike Christison

10c Hemp Top Trail » Hemp Top 3.10 78.90 Jim Holland

10d Hemp Top » Double Spring Gap 1.30 80.20 Jim Holland

댓글목록 2

而山님의 댓글

而山 2011.01.18 23:08
우리의 구간은 색션 2b인데 2c로 잘못 알고 있는가 보네요. 그리고 색션 3a가 무주공산이라는데 우리가 관리하는게 어떨까요, 이곳은 하이웨이60번 도로에서 바로 진입이 가능하고 기울기가 가파른 트레일이라 애당초 우리가 점찍었던 구간이었습니다. 그후 BMTA에서 능선길 대신 우회 코스로 개수하여 지금은 많이 변했을 겁니다. 우리가 2개 구간을 관리하기 벅차면 2b와 스위치제안도 해볼만 하겠죠. 3a는 가까워서 좋고 남의 관리구간을 거침이 없이 주차한 곳에서 바로 시작이라 시간이 많이 절약되는 곳입니다. 고려해 보시기 바랍니다.

장효건님의 댓글

장효건 2011.01.19 06:24
오르자!위에는 2c라고 적어놓고 밑에는  2b 라고 잘적어 놓은것 같읍니다.3a 는 울 산악회가 동안 원 하던  곳이었죠.관리 거리가 2.2 마일 밖에 안되니 ,만약 2b가 스위치가 안되면  우선 함께 하는것도 방법이라 할수 있읍니다.
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