전달 / Georgia Worktrip - this Saturday
2011.01.05 14:00
보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는시림: bmtamembers11
Georgia Work Trip:
Join us as we rehabilitate the treadway on the trail south from Weaver Creek Road. This section will offer
some good winter views.
Meet at the Village Restaurant on Old 76 in Blue Ridge at 8 AM to eat or in the parking lot by 8:40 AM
to carpool. This work trip would be a good experience for new members. It is a chance to observe and
participate in treadway restoration. The location is near Blue Ridge and the hike to where the work starts
is near the trail head.
Contact trip leader David Blount to sign up at (bmtahiker at aol dot com) or last minute at 770-856-6334
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