Re: BMTA Maintenance Report - Section 2b
2010.09.24 15:56
Thu, September 23, 2010 11:37:27 PMRe: BMTA Maintenance Report - Section 2b
From: Jaehee Park Add to Contacts
To: George Owen
Thank you for your kind comments on our maintenance of Section 2b and also your thoughtful suggestion
of the short routes to our trail section. Up until about three years ago, as you have wondered about,
we had been troubled by a long route in making access to the worksites in either south- or northbound.
In 2007, one of our maintenance team started charged with scouting service to find the short routes. After his arduous (every weekend) efforts of months, he succeded in finding the Forest Service Road 58 to No
Name Gap and the Forest Service Road 776A to Bryson Gap. Accordingly, we now don't have to walk the
longer distasnce into our section from either the Three Folks or Toccoa River bridge.
As for your invitation to the BMTA 30th anniversary celebration, I will let other members think about it and will inform you their decisions. Anyway, we greatly appreciate your consideration. Thank you.
From: George Owen
To: Jaehee Park
Sent: Thu, September 23, 2010 10:41:28 AM
Subject: Re: BMTA Maintenance Report - Section 2b
Thanks so much for an excellent trail maintenance report. I was over your section several months ago,
and at the time I was impressed that your group has done one of the best jobs of keeping the trail open
and maintained of anyone in Georgia. Actually, at the time your section was in better shape than mine,
which adjoins you on the south. I also called attention to another section maintainer that I thought your
blazes were at the time among our sharpest and brightest. Way to go! So keep up the good work.
I have recorded the reported hours for Youngkil, Hyokun, Wonbae, and Manho. So your full reported is
now printed out and properly recorded and filed.
Thanks also for the fine report on work to be done. I will try to have one of our sawyers get to the
mentioned blowdowns soon.
You are absolutely right about the need for water diversions needed just north of No Name Gap. I have
long agnonized about what to do here myself. One option is to build water diversions as you suggest.
Another, longer term, may be to relocate the trail there out of that steep "ditch" and make instead a
longer sidehill to the ridge. I'll try to look at it again soon and make some decision in consultation with you
and your group.
There is one thing for your maintenance convenience that I have recently wondered about: Does your
group know the short route to your trail section off Forest Service Road 776A to Bryson Gap or to your
section just north of No Name Gap off Forest Service Road 58 (the For. Serv. number of this side road is
not on either of my maps)? I hope you are not having to walk the longer distance into your section from
either the Toccoa River bridge or Three Forks (unless you want to do so). Anyway, if you are not familiar
with either of these short cuts to your section, let me know and I will work with you to show you these.
On another matter, let me especially invite you, your group, and others of the Korean-American
community to join us in Cherry Log, Georgia for the BMTA 30th anniversary celebration the first weekend
in November as publicized on our website and newsletter. This includes a weekend of hikes. This year it is
a very special celebration for us and our members and guests.
Again, thank you for all your group does for the Benton MacKaye Trail and for keeping your section in fine
shape. Let me know if I can be of service to you in your efforts.
George Owen, GA BMTA Maintenance Director
----- Original Message -----
From: Jaehee Park
To: George Owen
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 11:41 PM
Subject: BMTA Maintenance Report - Section 2b
Hi George,
Please find the attatched Maintenance Report. Thank you.
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