
전달 / Oct 9 Georgia Worktrip

2010.10.03 08:02 1,094 0


보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는사람: bmtamembers10



Georgia's Saturday, October 9 maintenance trip will be to reclear the trail from near the summit of Wallalah
Mountain to the summit of Licklog Mountain and a bit beyond if time and attendance so warrant. The work
will be mainly lopping and slingblading, with the need for at least one or even two chainsawyers to take
out down trees and limbs. We have permission again from the Tanners to drive up to their property to
avoid that long first uphill mile from highway 60. We could use two or three four-wheel-drive vehicles to
get us up the steep gravel road to the Tanner residence. Front wheel drive vehicles should also be able
to make it up the hill also.

Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Village Restaurant in Blairsville for breakfast, or at the Skeenah Creek BMT
parking area on Hwy. 60 at 9:00 a.m. Tools are provided. Bring lunch and water. The weather has now
turned gorgeous, lower temps and humidity. Autumn colors will be moving along. So come on out.

For info, questions, or registration (appreciated but not required), contact trip leader George Owen at
gowen2@tds.net or 706-897-3366 (cell) or 706-374-4716.

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