
전달 / BMTA is Looking for Hike Leaders for 2011

2010.09.16 03:41 1,281 0


보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는사람: bmtamembers10

The BMTA is Looking for Hike Leaders for 2011!

We would like to increase the number of hikes to two Saturdays a month and will be doing more hikes in
NC and TN. 50% of the hikes are on the BMT.
We need 4 more hike leaders!
Please look over the attached hikes and see if there are any you would be interested in leading next year.
Certainly feel free to pick up more than one if you are interested in doing so.

Also if you would like to substitute another similar hike, feel free to do so .

I took into consideration weather for wet stream crossings (SC) and length of hikes (winter = short days).
M= moderate
D= difficult

If you know an area is in Wilderness, please mark it as such. If you would like to limit the # of hikers,
please note that, too. We are trying to offer more hikes next year so limited hikes are OK.

Thank you so much. You are the ones making this a successful program!!

BMTA Hikes 2011

Month Hike Length/Difficulty Hike Leader BMT Wilderness State
===== ==== ============= ========= === ======== ====

Jan.15 Lost Creek 4 mi. /E Liz Carter x TN

29 Wagon Train Trail 6.5 mi. /M Shirley Banks X/ 12 GA.

Feb. 5 Wayah Gap to 4 m./ D NC
Siler Bald

19 Toccoa suspension 7.2 /D Wes Clonts x GA.

Mar. 5 Mt. Yonah 4 mi./ D GA.

19 Lake Winfield 6 mi./ A Shirley Banks X/12 GA.
Gap-Slaughter Gap Loop

Apr. 16 Falls Branch and 5.5 m/ M Tom Keene x X/12 GA.
Rich Mountain Cove

30 Woody Gap-Dockery 6 mi. / M Richard Sullivan X/12 GA.
Lake Trail

May 7 Park Ridge Tr to 5 mi/ A Nancy Sofner NC
Park Creek Tr

21 Stanley Gap - Weaver 7 mi./ D Ralph Heller x GA.

June 4 Whigg Meadow/ 6 mi./ E-M Rick Harris x TN
Falls Branch Falls

18 Bald River Trail 5mi./ M Ken Jones X/11 TN.
2 group max

July 16 Slickrock-Ike Branch 6.5/SC Dick Evans NC

30 Emory Falls/ Cohuttas 5 mi./ A/SC GA.

Aug. 6 Ravens Cliff 7 mi. /A Candy Retter X/12 GA.

20 Wacheesi Bald- 7 mi. M/SC Betty Petty x X/10 TN.
Kirkland Creek

Spt. 3 Unicoi Turnpike Trail and 7 mi./ M Bill Hodge x TN
BMT Trail of Tears

17 Testnatee Gap to 7.6 mi./ A GA.
Levelland Mtn.

Oct. 15 Dally Gap to 5-6 mi./ E-M Tom Keene x X/12 GA.
Jack’s River

29 Road to Nowhere 8.4 Dick Evans x NC
Smokey Mtn.

Nov. 5 Sandy Gap to Unicoi Gap 8.1 /D Rick Harris x Membership TN
on the Benton MacKayeDoc meeting
Roger’s TB sanitarium

19 Tapoco 4.5 mi/ M Dick Evan x NC

Dec. 3 Holiday: Helen to 6 mi./ A Pam Sullivan GA.
Unicoi Lodge

17 Hwy. 68- Coker 7 mi. Rick Harris x TN
Creek Falls

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