Subject: Sept TN/NC Work Trip - Sunday Sept 26 - BIG FROG
2010.09.19 11:20
Receiver: bmtamembers10
Sunday, September 26, 2010: BMT Sections 11b-d - Big Frog Area - The monthly TN/NC BMTA Work Trip
will be to clear brush and blowdowns off the BMT up the north slope of Big Frog Mountain. We will meet at
9AM at the parking area just outside the Thunder Rock Campground along US 64, then consolidate cars
and drive to the trailhead up on FS 221. From there we will hike in to the Rough Creek, Fork Ridge, and Big
Frog sections of the trail to clear blowdowns with a crosscut team and brush out the trail with swingblade
and loppers. When Ken Jones and I checked out the trail conditions this early summer as part of the walk-
through the trail was for the most part in pretty good condition. There were a few blowdowns, enough to
occupy one crosscut team. Most of the needed brushing out was up near the top in the Big Frog section.
I don't know if we will get it all done, but we will see how much we can accomplish. This is the best time of
the year to be climbing up Big Frog. Come join us for a great hike and some invigorating work. We may
finish off the day with an Italian meal at Gondolier's. Contact Rick Harris to sign up at or
423-253-6358 (home) or 513-260-1184 (cell).
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