전달 / BMTA NC/TN Work Trip - Sunday Sep 29
2010.08.21 11:59
보낸사람: HarrisR@aol.com
받는사람: bmtamembers10
Sunday, August 29, 2010: BMT Section 19a - Stiffknee Trail
Plans are to meet at 9AM behind the Cherohala Skyway Visitor Center in Tellico Plains, then carpool from
there to Farr Gap, arriving there about 10AM. We plan to brush out the trail as far down as we can get,
though the top section down to Stiffknee Gap I know is the worst. This is wilderness so we will use
swingblades and loppers. We may go out for dinner afterwards in Tellico Plains. Breakfast is on your own.
Contact Rick Harris at 423-253-6358 or HarrisRi@aol.com to let him know if you plan to come.
If you have a helmet, protective glasses, gloves, lopper and/or swing blade, please bring these. We have
loaners, but probably not enough for everyone.
받는사람: bmtamembers10
Sunday, August 29, 2010: BMT Section 19a - Stiffknee Trail
Plans are to meet at 9AM behind the Cherohala Skyway Visitor Center in Tellico Plains, then carpool from
there to Farr Gap, arriving there about 10AM. We plan to brush out the trail as far down as we can get,
though the top section down to Stiffknee Gap I know is the worst. This is wilderness so we will use
swingblades and loppers. We may go out for dinner afterwards in Tellico Plains. Breakfast is on your own.
Contact Rick Harris at 423-253-6358 or HarrisRi@aol.com to let him know if you plan to come.
If you have a helmet, protective glasses, gloves, lopper and/or swing blade, please bring these. We have
loaners, but probably not enough for everyone.
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