전달 / GA July Worktrip at Fowler Mountain in Section 8
2010.07.07 10:39
보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는사람: bmtamembers10
BMTA Work Trip, July 10, 2010
Tired of the July heat? Escape to cool(er) Fowler Mountain on the Benton MacKaye Trail. Join
the BMTA work trip on July 10. Meet at the L&A Corner Restaurant in Cherry Log, across from the
PInk Pig, at 8 AM, or at the trail head at Bushy Head Gap at 8:50. We will finish the clearing of the trail
from McKenny Gap to Fowler Mountain that was begun on the June work trip. The work is mostly
sling-blading and lopping. Bring a lunch and plenty of water. Co-leader Darcy Douglas will have
"goodies" for us after the work. Please call co-leader Walt Cook to let him know if you plan to attend
and for more info. Phone: 706-549-5979, or 706-424-6748.
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