
전달 / Annual Walk Thru Saturday May 8

2010.04.07 12:30 872 1


보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는사람: bmtamembers10

Plan Now for the Big Georgia BMT Walk-Thru in May

Our annual walk-thru of the entire trail in Georgia will be held Saturday, May 8, with a big
gathering of all afterwards, as usual, at the Pink Pig. Come walk a section of the trail and follow
the information sheet on reporting any problems on your assigned section.

George Owen will be in charge and will begin publicizing information about the event and
signing up after the middle of this month (April). You may also walk an assigned section either
shortly before or after the May 8 date if you cannot attend that particular date.

George Owen, GA Maintenance Director

댓글목록 1

장효건님의 댓글

장효건 2010.04.08 11:03
오르자! 울 산악회담당 구역 점검  빠른 시일 내에 장비 가지고,갑시다. 허참 ! 점검 하러갈 시간이 5월 둘째주
나되야 겠네요....
전체 2,002 건 - 59 페이지
토요산행 845 2010.04.20
장효건 1,084 2010.04.17
jhp 1,076 2010.04.15
토요산행 1,086 2010.04.15
홍보 987 2010.04.15
백남오 1,038 2010.04.14
而山 1,099 2010.04.13
장효건 958 2010.04.12
jhp 1,017 2010.04.11
장효건 1,008 2010.04.09
토요산행 973 2010.04.09
잉크 1,833 2010.04.08
jhp 873 2010.04.07
jhp 870 2010.04.07
而山 943 2010.04.05