전달 / Southeast Foot Trails Coalition Conference in May
2010.04.15 12:57
보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는사람: bmtamembers10
BMTA Members,
Just a reminder to sign up for the SEFTC conference in May.
Ralph Heller
[ Southeast Foot Trails Coalition Conference in May ]
Have you registered for the SEFTC Hiking Conference? May 1st is the deadline – only a few
days away.
The Southeast Foot Trails Coalition (SEFTC) is hosting a conference full of hikes and trail/hiking
related workshops Thursday May 20th through Sunday May 23rd in Monteagle, Tennessee
(about an hour northwest of Chattanooga just off I-24).
It’s a great way to experience other trails in the southeast with the fine folks who build and
maintain them.
What is the SEFTC? Composed of trail organizations throughout the Southeast, it seeks to promote
and protect long distance foot trails by building a regional trail systems and a network of hiking
Check out the website at http://southeastfoottrails.org and click on “2010 Conference”. There
you will see a link to the registration form and a preliminary schedule of hikes and programs and
a Conference registration form. Registration fees are only $25.
The Conference is at the Dubose Conference Center on the top of the Cumberland Mountain
Plateau. Meal and lodging options are listed on the registration form as well.
Questions? Contact : George Owen, email – gowen2@tds.net
Phone – 706-374-4716 or cell 706-897-3366
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