
전달 / BMTA - GA Worktrip, March 13

2010.03.04 12:45 935 0


보낸사람: Terry Miller
받는사람: bmtamembers10


Here is the information for this month's GA work trip from George.

March 13: Beautiful Work Trip Site at Toccoa Swinging Bridge

The BMTA Georgia maintenance trip for Saturday, March 13, will be only a few hundred yards
from where our vehicles are parked: just south of the famed Toccoa River suspension bridge.
We will replace steps and waterbars, with some cutting and drainage ditch creation. Join us for
breakfast at 8:00 in Blue Ridge at the Village Restaurant, or at 9:00 at the Skeenah Creek BMT
crossing on GA Hwy. 60. For further information contact George Owen at gowen2@tds.net or
706-374-4716 or 706-897-3366 (cell).

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