
전달 / TN/NC BMTA Work Trip - Sunday also

2010.01.19 14:42 1,020 1


Sender: Harrisri@aol.com
Receiver: bmtamembers10

I have received comments by some people who said they were available on Sunday but not
Saturday for the Saw-a-Thon. So, to please everyone and to get twice the amount of work done,
we will offer the work trip both days. See below. Also, we have to change the breakfast location.
I have found out that the Prospector's Dining Company is closed until March. So those who want
breakfast, we will meet at 8AM at the TELLICO GRAINS on SATURDAY and at the LITTLE RED
BARN on SUNDAY or if you don't want breakfast, just meet us at 9AM behind the Cherohala
Visitor Center at 9AM. Let me know which day(s) you plan to work and where you plan to meet us.

Rick Harris

Saturday, Jan 23 - Benton MacKaye Trail TN/NC Maintenance Trip - Winter Saw-a-thon - Day 1.
We plan to saw out as many downfalls as possible along the higher ridgetop sections of the trail.
The wind storms and heavy snows over the Christmas holidays brought down many, many trees
across our trail. We need lots of certified sawyers for this trip and others to go with each sawyer.
This trip we will stick to using chain saws, thus we will not go into wilderness areas. February
will probably be crosscut Saw-a-thon. Meet at 8AM at Tellico Grains in Tellico Plains for great
pastries and coffee or behind the Cherohala Skyway Visitor Center at 9AM to arrange carpools a
nd to get your assignment. Tellico Grains is near the old town square. Turn right by the Exxon
station then right at the next road. Tellico Grains is on the right behind the Citizens Bank Building.
Afterwards we may all go out to dinner somewhere close. Contact Rick Harris, HarrisRi@aol.com
or 423-253-6358.

Sunday, Jan 24 - Benton MacKaye Trail TN/NC Maintenance Trip - Winter Saw-a-thon - Day 2.
By popular demand, we are having a second day of the same. I have been contacted by a few
people who say they are available Sunday but not Saturday. So we will work both days. Same
info as above, just different day and that breakfast at 8AM will be at the Little Red Barn on Sunday.
The Little Red Barn is to the left of the little strip mall with CVS and Save-A-Lot on the road toward
the Tellico Plains High School.

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