
전달 / Nov 14 GA Worktrip

2009.11.10 13:46 888 0


보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: bmtamembers09


Saturday's worktrip is on beautiful Section Eight. Most leaves are off the trees; the views should
be spectacular.

George Owen is in command. Details below. Join us if you can!


Georgia Work Trip, Nov. 14: On Section Eight mostly between McKenny Gap and Fowler
Mountain. We will clear seasonal growth along the trail, as well as the campsite at Hatley Gap.
We meet at the East Ellijay (not Blue Ridge) Waffle King at 8:00 AM. Or meet at the Bushy Head
Gap trailhead at 9:00 AM. Trip leader is George Owen, (c) 706-374-4716.

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