
전달 / Long Range Planning Seminar on Nov 21 09

2009.10.23 13:19 725 0


보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는사람: bmtamembers09


WHO: Open to all BMTA members

When: Saturday, November 21, 2009 Starting at 10 a.m.
(10a.m. – 12 p.m.: Evaluation of survey and 2004-5 Action Plan)
(12 p.m. – 1 p.m.: Break for lunch at Pink Pig or bring your own lunch)
(1 p.m. – 5 p.m.: Develop ongoing Long Term Action Plan)

Where: Sisson Mountain Pavilion in Cherrylog, Georgia - for directions see attachment above

What: a follow-up and review of the seminar held in November of 2004 that resulted in the 2004-05
Action Plan. The items on this plan will be reviewed and updated. Previously identified action
items will be discussed and evaluated. Our progress toward meeting our standard objectives will
be assessed, and an ongoing Action Plan will be developed

Preparations: Whether or not you plan to attend the seminar, we would like for you to complete
an on-line survey. To participate in the survey, click on this link - http://www.surveymonkey.
com/s.aspx?sm=5GK3DH2BJRZVvYPIAZ6hzQ_3d_3d and answer the questions. Deadline for
completing the survey is November 10.

For copies of the 2004-05 Action Plan, please contact Richard Evans at richardevans@wildblue.
net. Also, contact Dick to let him know that you plan to attend.

The Board considers the development of a Long Term Plan to be a very important process in
establishing a guide for the future course and objectives of the BMTA in the coming years. We
are looking for input from our members on the survey and attendance at the seminar. We thank
Jeff Hunter for agreeing to be our facilitator. Please plan to participate!

Ralph Heller
Benton MacKaye Trail Association

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