전달 / TN/NC BMT Worktrip Oct 24
2009.10.16 12:35
보낸사람: HarrisRi@aol.com
받는사람: bmtamembers09
TN/NC Worktrip
Saturday, October 24
Section 13d-13e - Towee Creek to Coker Creek on the John Muir Trail
Meet at 9AM at the Towee Creek Trailhead along the Hiwassee River in the back parking lot.
Some will work from Towee Creek toward Coker Creek and others will shuttle to Coker Creek at
FR 228 and work toward Towee Creek. We all will be brushing out the trail and meet at the center.
There are also a few trees to log out near the Towee Creek end of the trail. Also, we may need
to touch up some of the blazes near Coker Creek. Contact Rick Harris at 423-253-6358 (home),
513-260-1184 (cell) or HarrisRi@aol.com.
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