전달 / TN/NC Worktrip this Sunday - Final Plans
2009.09.24 12:31
보낸사람: HarrisRi@aol.com
받는사람: bmtamembers
It looks like we have a good crew going on the Sunday work trip. Our plans are as follows:
Meet at the Prospectors Dining Club for breakfast at 8AM in Tellico Plains (not Tellico Grains,
since it is closed on Sundays). The Prospectors is in Tellico Plains. Go to the TN68 and TN39
intersection just about a half mile north of the BP station, and turn south (right), go one block.
It is obvious by the big gold colored roof. The restaurant opens at 8AM and serves all you can
eat pancakes for $3 and lots of other very good breakfast food.
Then we will carpool to Unicoi Gap, arriving there about 9AM or a little after. Those not eating
breakfast with us should just join us at Unicoi Gap at 9AM. We will open the forest service gate
and drive north about a mile on the BMT, then start our work where the trail leaves the roadbed.
We will break into groups of 2 or 3. One group will go all the way up to Tate Gap and work their
way back, paining blazes on about a mile of trail and doing some brushing out with a brush cutter.
Another crew of two or three will brush cut and log out the trail to the gap about a mile from Tate
Gap. There are about 7 trees which need to be logged out, nothing real bad. There are 2 sections
which badly need brushing out along here, up at the gap itself and about a mile south of the gap
where there is an opening from dead pine trees. I will take my chain saw and two gas powered
brush cutters and several swing blades and loppers. Also, I will bring a paint bucket for the
blazes. We have already reblazed the trail from Unicoi Gap all the way up to the unnamed gap
about a mile south of Tate Gap. Only about a mile of trail needs to be reblazed.
Afterwards, we will go to a restaurant in Tellico Plains for dinner. Bring a lunch and plenty of
water. There is no water to speak of along this stretch of trail on the ridgetop.
You all know who is already committed to come. If you have not yet committed and would like
to come, just email or call me in advance. The weather is supposed to be nice on Sunday as it
stands right now. I will see most of you on Saturday at the Adelgid workshop as well so you can
let me know then as well
Rick Harris
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