
전달 / BMTA Nominations Committee Report

2009.09.10 13:54 1,037 0


보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: bmtamembers09

Dear BMTA members,

Below please find
[1] the section of the BMTA bylaws that defines the role of the Nominations Committee in the
process of selecting our Board of Directors, and
[2] the current Nominations Committee's slate of nominees for the 2010 Board, in the form of
a table.

This slate of candidates will be presented for consideration at the BMTA Annual Meeting (of the
general membership) at Coker Creek on the evening of November 7th. As the bylaws indicate,
other nominations may be made from the floor at that meeting.

Special thanks to my fellow committee members Darcy Douglas and Rick Harris for their help in
putting this slate together.

Tom Keene, Chair
BMTA Nominations Committee




At least 90 days before the Annual Meeting, the President shall present to the Executive Committee
for approval nominees for a Nominating Committee, consisting of at least three members of
the Association and including a resident from at least two of the three states through which the
trail passes. The President shall designate the Chair of the Nominating Committee. At least 60
days before the annual meeting the Nominating Committee shall publish a list of nominees.
The Nominating Committee shall present a list of nominees for election to the membership at
the Annual Meeting; such nominations shall not preclude nominations from the floor at the time
of the election with the prior consent of the nominees. Election may be by secret or voice vote.

Nominations Committee for the 2010 BMTA Board

Report to the Members*

Committee Members: T. Keene (Chair); D. Douglas; R. Harris.

Pres. R. Heller Ralph Heller

V. P D. Blount Dick Evans

Sec. M. Meadows Margaret Meadows

Treas. D. Douglas Darcy Douglas**

Ga. Main. T. Keene George Owen

TN/NC Main. R. Harris Rick Harris

Smokies Main. D. Evans Shirley Banks

Construction E. Eades Eric Eades

Membership B. Hamrick Bill Hamrick

Publicity J. Hunter Marge Heller

Hiking Dir B. Ruby Pam Sullivan

Newsletter Ed. B. Petty Betty Petty

Conservation D. Rhodes Jeff Hunter

Past President S. Cartwright Steve Cartwright

GA Rep (app) W. Cook Bob Ruby***

NC Rep (app) B. Horn Butch Horn***

TN Rep (app) K. Jones Ken Jones***

* In addition to the slate of candidates, the Nominations Committee proposes creation of an
Advisory Council of past board members. Members of the proposed council would be kept in
the loop via email and could attend Board meetings if they wish, but would not have a vote on
the Board.

** Doug Kleiber in training/in waiting

*** Suggested presidential appointees

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