
전달 / U S Army on BMTA next week

2009.08.14 11:48 879 1


보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는사람: bmtamember09

BMTA Members,

In case you are planning to do some hiking on the Ga. BMT during the period Tuesday 18 August
to Friday 21 August, please be aware that the US. Army is planning a non military group use
activity between Three Forks and Skeenah Gap during that period. There will be a group of about
80 troops each day, which will be divided into groups of about 12 people spaced at greater than
30 minute intervals. We are assured that the maneuvers do not represent a threat to hikers, but do
be aware that unexpected company may pop up along the trail. If you are out on the trail those
days and observe this event we would appreciate your input as to how this affected your hiking
experience and its impact on the trail.

Ralph Heller

President BMTA

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