전달 / Interested in Serving on the BMTA Board?
2009.08.18 10:04
보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: bmtamembers09
BMTA Members,
Are you interested in serving on the Board of the Benton MacKaye Trail Association? If so,read on.
The section of our bylaws relating to elections to the Board of Directors is pasted into this
message below. Per those terms President Ralph Heller has asked Darcy Douglas, Rick Harris
and me to serve as the Nominating Committee for the 2010 Board. We have to move fairly quickly
to get a slate of nominees published 60 days before the Nov. 7 annual meeting. (Nominations can
also be made from the floor at the annual meeting.)
Many of our current Board members are willing to serve for another year. Plainly there is
considerable value in continuity, and our slate of nominees will reflect that fact. But there is also
value in bringing new people with new ideas and new energy. We want to do that too.
If you are interested in serving on the BMTA Board, please reply to this email, and:
[1] Indicate what office(s) interest you (offices are listed in the bylaws paragraph below);
[2] describe (briefly!) your background and experience relevant to the job;
[3] provide a phone number (s) where we can reach you (if possible, both during business
hours and in the evening) to talk over the possibilities.
To be assured of consideration, please reply before 5pm Thursday 20 August.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Tom Keene
Chair, BMTA Nominating Committee
BMTA-GA. Maintenance Director
From the Bylaws
At least 90 days before the Annual Meeting, the President shall present to the Executive Committee
for approval nominees for a Nominating Committee, consisting of at least three members of the
Association and including a resident from at least two of the three states through which the trail
passes. The President shall designate the Chair of the Nominating Committee. At least 60 days
before the annual meeting, the Nominating Committee shall publish a list of nominees. The
Nominating Committee shall present a list of nominees for election to the membership at the
Annual Meeting; such nominations shall not preclude nominations from the floor at the time of
the election with the prior consent of the nominees. Election may be by secret or voice vote. The
order of balloting shall be for the positions of 1) President, 2) Vice President, 3) Secretary, 4)
Treasurer, 5) Trail Construction Director, 6) Georgia Maintenance Director, 7) TN-NC Maintenance
Director, 8) Smokies Coordinator, 9) Newsletter Editor 10) Membership Director, 11) Publicity
Director , 12) Conservation Director and 13) Hiking Director. A candidate receiving a majority of the
votes cast for an office shall be declared the winner for the office. In the event of a tie, re-balloting
shall occur.
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