전달 / Sat Spring Flowers Day-Hike
2009.04.14 13:48
보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: bmtamembers09
BMTA Community,
This is a reminder of the Spring Flowers Day-hike coming this weekend, Saturday 18 April. It should be beautiful.
I want to encourage you to join us, but also to point out that the planned route involves fording
Stanley Creek - twice. In knee deep water, or close to it. Really, any prediction is a guess.
But with all the rain we have been getting the creek will likely be mid-calf to knee high at the
fording points. The water will be cold.
So...I strongly encourage participants to
[1] bring Teva-like sandals or other stream-crossing footwear to supplement hiking shoes and
[2] wear quick-dry shorts, convertible pants, or long pants that will roll above the knee for the
[3] carry a walking stick for the stream crossings. (Jane and I will bring extras from our supply.)
[4] a towel to dry your feet after the second crossing, before you put your shoes and socks
back on.
You will also need appropriate clothing and lunch.
It'll be an adventure! Rendezvous details below. Join us. Tom and Jane Keene
BMT (GA) Spring Flowers Day-hike: Falls Branch and Rich Mountain Cove
Rating: Moderate - but two knee-deep stream crossings so appropriate clothing and
stream-crossing footwear will be needed.
Distance: 5-6 miles
Leaders: Tom and Jane Keene
Max # hikers: 10
We will meet at 10am near Blue Ridge, then carpool to the Stanley Gap Trailhead, arriving about
10:30am. Then we hike into the Rich Mountain Wilderness and down a beautiful cove, winding
up at the Falls Branch Falls on BMT Section Six for lunch. After a leisurely lunch by the falls
we continue on BMT Section Six to the junction with the Stanley Gap trail and then down to the
trailhead parking.
To reserve a spot in this award-winning hike, call 770-422-4838, or
(after 3pm Friday the day before) 770-722-6016.
Sign up NOW!
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