
전달 / Feb 14 GA Worktrip is ON

2009.01.31 13:28 1,031 0


보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: bmtamembers09

Valentine's Day in the woods? What could be better!

The details for the GA work-trips for February and the March are now posted on the BMTA
website, and are pasted below.

Please mark your calendars and join us if you can!

Tom Keene

February 14 GEORGIA WORK TRIP: We will work on beautiful, isolated Section 8 between Double
Hogpen and Halloway Gaps. We will refresh side-hilling on the Dominy Knob relo of a couple of
years ago and clear the new growth from the campsite at Halloway Gap. Meet for breakfast at the
Village Restaurant in Blue Ridge at 8AM or at the Dyer Gap trailhead at 9:20am. We will carpool
from Dyer up FS64A to the Flat Top Mountain trailhead. Trip leader George Owen, 706-897-3366.

March 14 GEORGIA WORK TRIP: Side-hill improvement and other finishing work on the Wallalah-
Licklog Reroute on Section Three. Meet at the Village Restaurant in Blue Ridge at 8:00 AM.
Or meet at the trailhead, GA Hwy. 60 and Little Skeenah Creek, at 9:10 AM. Trip leaders are
George Owen, 706-374-4716; or Tom Keene, 770-422-4838, or, the night before only, 770-722-6016.

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전체 2,002 건 - 78 페이지
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