
전달 /Worktrip with Chowder-RSVP requested

2009.01.07 13:41 1,346 0


보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: bmtamember09


The BMT-GA worktrip this Saturday 10 January is on the Sisson Property and
concludes, for those who wish to stay, with a bowl of Jane Keene's hearty veggie
chowder with homemade bread. Meeting place and time details are below.

To give Jane some idea how many to expect please respond to this message if
you expect to stay for the soup. Even if you are only a maybe, we would be glad
to know that.

Hope to see you Saturday.


Worktrip Notice from BMTA website activities page:
Jan. 10 - Georgia work-trips return to the 2nd Saturday after a four year hiatus. We work
on Section Seven refreshing side-hilling several places through the Sisson Property.
This worksite allows us to avoid early morning driving on back roads during January,
aka Black Ice Month. We meet at the Village Restaurant in Blue Ridge at 8:30AM (note
the later start) or at the Sisson Pavilion (aka The World Headquarters) at 9:15AM. After
the trip, for those who wish, Jane Keene’s Semi-Legendary Hearty Vegetable Chowder
will be served at the Keene’s cabin, near our worksite. Trip leader is Tom Keene,
770-422-4838, or, the night before only, 770-722-6016.

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