
전달 / GA Worktrips for Dec and Jan

2008.11.27 11:40 1,274 0


보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: bmtamembers08


The vote on the date for the December trip was overwhelming, 8 to 1, for Dec. 20.
Deatails are below.

NOTA BENE: Beginning in January the Georgia worktrip will return to the 2nd Saturday,
while the TN/NC trip will be on the 4th Saturday. So we are on for Jan. 10.
Bonus attraction on Jan. 10: Jane Keene's vegetable chowder will be served after the
work at our cabin on the Sisson Cherrylog Mtn. property, near worksite.

"Those who do not work, shall not eat."

Details on both trips are pasted below and should be up on the website shortly.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Dec. 20 Georgia Work Trip – We will refresh side-hilling on Tipton Mountain on Section
5a (Wilscot Gap to Ledford Gap). If we have time and numbers, a group can replace
some steps just east of the Brawley Mtn. fire tower. We meet at the Village Restaurant
in Blue Ridge at 8:00AM and at the Wilscot Gap trailhead at 9:10AM. Trip leader is Tom
Keene, 770-422-4838, or, the night before only, 770-722-6016.

Jan 10 Georgia Work Trip – Georgia work-trips return to the 2nd Saturday after a four
year hiatus. We work on Section Seven refreshing side-hilling several places through
the Sisson Property. This worksite allows us to avoid early morning driving on back
roads during January, aka Black Ice Month. We meet at the Village Restaurant in
Blue Ridge at 8:30AM (note the later start) or at the Sisson Pavilion (aka The World
Headquarters) at 9:15AM. After the trip, for those who wish, Jane Keene’s Semi-
Legendary Hearty Vegetable Chowder will be served at the Keene’s cabin, near our
Trip leader is Tom Keene, 770-422-4838, or, the night before only, 770-722-6016.

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