
전달 / Dec. Tennessee Worktrip

2008.12.12 13:23 1,107 0


보낸사람: Ralph Heller
받는사람: bmtamembers08

Urgent Reminder: Tenn. Work Trip This Saturday Near Georgia

This Saturday, Dec. 13, there is a BMTA Tenn. work trip near Georgia just north of
Copperhill, TN. We urge Georgians and North Carolinians both to join this to see
a beautiful section of our trail and to take a break from hectic holiday activities.
The weather is projected to be good. See details below, and also remember the
regular Georgia worktrip on the 20th.

Ralph Heller

Hi everyone,

I hope some or all of you can come help on our work trip this Saturday on the section
of the BMTA just north of the Kimsey Highway. Info is on the BMTA website, but here
it is below. Please each of you let me know whether you can help or not by email.

TN/NC BMTA WORK TRIP: Section 12c, Kimsey Highway to McFarland Road FS 23
(2.4 miles)
WHAT: Log and brush out the trail starting from the Kimsey Highway trail crossing.
This section has many trees across the trail, especially close to Kimsey Highway.
This section is not in the wilderness, so chain saws and gas powered brush cutters
can be used. We will spot a car at the McFarland Road trail crossing to avoid the long
uphill return to the cars.
MEETING LOCATION: Leave from the Hardee's in Copper Hill on US64 west of TN68
at 8;30 AM. If you want to eat breakfast there, be there about 8AM so you can be ready
to leave by 8:30 AM. Or meet at the Kimsey Highway crossing of the BMT at 9AM.
LEADER: Rick Harris, 423-253-6358 (home); 513-260-1184 (cell). Please notify Rick in
advance of the work trip of your plans to come and what tools you will be bringing.
BRING: Chain saw if chain saw certified. We need gas powered brush cutters as well.
Also, loppers and swing blades can be used. Bring gloves and safety glasses and
a helmet if you have one. We have a few helmets to loan out. Bring lunch and water.
AFTERWARDS: We will stop at one of the restaurants in the Copper Hill area afterwards
for those who don't have to rush home.

Rick Harris

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