전달 / BMTA-More Info on a very Pleas.....
2008.09.10 13:13
제 목 : BMTA - More Info on a very Pleasant Light Sept 13 TN Worktrip
보낸사람: Terry Miller
받는사람: bmtamembers08
A message from George.
- Yep - Southeast Corner of Tennessee - Close to all three states -
- Light brushing, cutting in gorgeous wilderness area -
- Includes some easy- to moderate-grade hiking - see below:
This is a combined hike/work trip that is just right for late summer. With max tempera-
tures expected to be very low 80s or 70s where we will be working, we will be in the
Big Frog Wilderness doing some light trimming with slingblading and lopping; a few
small trees will need removal by bowsaws. I was just over this section of the BMT the
other day, and can report the trail generally in fair condition with just scattered lopping/
weeding/cutting needed.
Meet at 9 a.m. in the Thunder Rock Campground behind and to the right of Ocoee
Powerhouse No. 3 on U.S. 76 in the Ocoee River Gorge west of Ducktown/Copper Hill.
We'll combine forces and drive up the road to the BMT crossing on For. Serv. Rd. 221
where we begin our hike into work. There are scattered trees ten inches or less to take
out, light trimming/slingblading to be done (no severe overgrowth), and some beautiful
and delightful forest to enjoy along the way. What climbs exist are moderate. Pleasant
streams here too.
So come on Georgians and North Carolinians too. This is one of the lightest and prettiest
work trips in some time. The weather looks good and not too hot. Bring your lunch,
water, and gloves; BMTA furnishes the tools. Some of you may schedule to breakfast
on the way. Help us have another great turnout like we did on the last TN Sat. trip!
George Owen, Trip Leader (Sorry, Eric had to be away so I'm stepping in.)
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