
전달 / July Worktrip this Saturday

2008.07.25 12:19 1,092 1


보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: bmtamembers08

Just a reminder. Details below.


July 26 Georgia Work Trip: This is a joint trip with the Forest Service and Cohutta
Wilderness Area volunteers. On Section Ten (Section Eleven in Homan's guide) from
Spanish Oak Gap to Hemp Top Mountain. We'll be mostly over 3000' and, we trust,
enjoying those famous "ridgeline breezes." The effort will be mostly swingblade
work. We meet at the Village Restaurant in Blue Ridge at 7:15AM. Note the time; it's
45 minutes earlier than usual. We must depart the restaurant at 8:00 AM sharp to keep
our rendezvous with the Forest Service group. The trailhead meeting at Dally Gap will
be at 8:50 AM. Trip leader is Bill Ross, 404-234-6488, See you there!

댓글목록 1

장효건님의 댓글

장효건 2008.07.26 11:20
오르자 ! 8월 달 2째주 에는 우리산악회 담당 구역 청소 갑니다.
회원 여러분의 동참 바랍니다.
전체 2,002 건 - 86 페이지
김삿갓 1,220 2008.07.29
청파 1,114 2008.07.29
장효건 1,025 2008.07.28
장효건 1,119 2008.07.28
jhp 1,093 2008.07.25
PonyTail 2,825 2008.07.23
이만호 1,209 2008.07.23
털보 1,321 2008.07.22
장효건 1,140 2008.07.21
김삿갓 1,472 2008.07.20
이만호 1,266 2008.07.23
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