
Walk-through feedback - Sec. 2

2008.05.23 13:06 1,173 1
  • - 첨부파일@@ : 176d35a4_2a-c_0804.doc (33byte) - 다운로드
  • - 첨부파일@@ : 2b19b728_2d_0804.doc (36byte) - 다운로드


Sender: Tom Keene
Receiver: Section 2 Maintainers

Section 2 Maintainers,

Attached is a copy of the walk-through report for your section. In
general it's in great shape, but there are some items for your

Susan Powell and some of her UGA students walked your section and did
this report. I am copying Susan on this email, so if you want to ask her
a question about the report, use the address in the CC box. (Thanks,

If you could use some help on anything on your section, please let me

Thanks for all you do.

Tom Keene

댓글목록 1

장효건님의 댓글

장효건 2008.05.24 12:48
우리Section이 정비상태가 보통수준이고 그동안 옷 덩쿨이 많이 자랐나봅니다.
한번더 가야 할것 같아요.
전체 2,002 건 - 89 페이지
털보 1,318 2008.06.04
jhp 1,063 2008.06.03
이만호 1,166 2008.06.02
장효건 1,282 2008.06.01
jhp 1,222 2008.05.31
jhp 1,174 2008.05.23
jhp 1,191 2008.05.21
camel 1,160 2008.05.20
camel 1,298 2008.05.20
이만호 1,055 2008.05.20
장효건 1,157 2008.05.18
이만호 1,343 2008.05.15
jhp 2,382 2008.05.13
털보 1,475 2008.05.12
이만호 1,356 2008.05.08