
전달 / Four Wheel Drive for GA Worktrip

2008.03.11 12:26 1,233 0


보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: BMTA members


We could use 4-wheel drive vehicles for the Ga. worktrip on March 22 to
carry folks across the Tanner property to a point closer to our Licklog
work site. I'll have my truck with the tools, but it would be nice to
have one or two more. If you think you might be able to help, please
let me know. (The outcome may determine which trailhead we use.)

Details on the trip are below.

Tom Keene

March 22 - Georgia Work Trip: We will again work on the Great Wallalah-
Licklog reroute on Section Three. Meet at the Village Restaurant in
Blue Ridge at 8:00 AM. Trailhead meeting place to be named after the
February trip. Trip leaders are George Owen, 706-374-4716; or Tom Keene,
770-422-4838 or, the night before only, 770-722-6016.

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