
전달 / Vacancy on the BMTA Board

2008.02.29 00:48 1,246 0


보낸사람: John Watson
받는사람: David B. Chamberlain: debbie and charlie tucker;
Bill and Diana Ristom; and member08@bmta.org

I am also deeply concerned with this issue. I'm also new to the BMTA and am also
a section maintainer (3C) and Bill has been nothing but a great representation of the
BMTA and the kind of folks I like to work and hike with. Bill has been nothing but a great
help for me with obtaining my section and has been a person I have gone to with all
of my questions and concerns. I've recently been talking with Bill about doing more
possible volunteer work with the newsletter and with helping the BMTA move forward
with new and updated maps of the trail. I truely hope this move by the Board does not
take us a few steps back in improving our organazation.


From: dbchamber@hotmail.com
To: debandcharlie@yahoo.com; bjpetty1@bellsouth.net; members08@bmta.org
Subject: Re: Vacancy on the BMTA Board
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:02:21 -0500

I have to agree with the well put sentiments of the Tuckers. I recently joined the BMTA
and was quickly given guidance and aid in planning a week long trip by Bill Ristom.
The secrecy and lack of communication raises many questions and concerns.

David Chamberlain

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