
전달 / Signs for BMT - GA

2007.12.29 11:07 1,208 0


보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: BMTA Members

Georgia Maintainers,

We are close to ordering replacement road signs and posts from the
Carsonite Signs folks for BMT-GA. Below is a the tentative order.
These are the 12x12" signs we place along roads where the trail crosses,
not the trail markers with decals A fair number have gone missing
since we first installed them in 2002-03.

If you know of a road crossing in addition to those listed below where
a replacement (or new) sign is needed, please reply to this email and be
specific about the location you have in mind. Be aware that we usually
put two signs at each trail cross so there is one facing traffic each

I hope to get the order in by the middle of next week, i.e. January 3
or 4.



BMT-GA Sign Replacement Proposal

Location Sign Post

Big Stamp 2 2
Three Forks 2 2
Skeenah Gap 1 1
ShlfdBr./Dial Rd 1 1
Falls Branch 2 2
Bushy Hd Gp 1 1
Dyer Gap 2 2
Watson Gap 2 2
FS22@Sec.10 2 1
TN US 68 2 2

Total 17 16

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등록된 댓글이 없습니다.
전체 2,002 건 - 95 페이지
장효건 1,235 2008.01.02
이만호 1,148 2008.01.02
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jhp 1,209 2007.12.29
jhp 1,323 2007.12.29
김삿갓 1,399 2007.12.23
장효건 1,165 2007.12.22
이만호 1,173 2007.12.20
이만호 1,340 2007.12.15
심재문 1,224 2007.12.27
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심재문 1,333 2007.12.11
이만호 1,202 2007.12.10
jhp 1,540 2007.12.07