
전달 / Dec. and Jan. GA Worktrip

2007.11.21 09:40 1,382 0


보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: BMTA Members
제목 : Dec. and Jan. GA Worktrip

FYI details for the December and January GA Worktrips are now settled. See below.
Hope to see you there.


December 15 - Georgia Work Trip. Please note it's one week early to avoid Christmas.
We will again work on the Great Wallalah-Licklog reroute on Section Three. Meet at the
Village Restaurant in Blue Ridge at 8:00 AM. Or meet at the trailhead, GA Hwy. 60 and
Little Skeenah Creek, at 9:00 AM. Trip leaders are George Owen (owenga@ellijay.com,
or 706-374-4716) or Tom Keene (tkeene@kennesaw.edu or 770-422-4838 or, the night
before only, 770-722-6016).

January 26 - Georgia Work Trip. The main job is to refresh side-hilling on Section Six
between Scoggin Knob and Rocky Mountain. Meet at the Village Restaurant in Blue
Ridge at 8:00 AM. Or meet at the Weaver Creek Road trailhead at 8:45 AM. Trip leaders
are Ralph Heller (c) 770-235-9760, (h) 706-636-3497; and or Tom Keene or 770-422-4838
or, the night before only, 770-722-6016.

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