전달 / BMTA TWMS Posting Guidelines
2007.11.30 16:07
보낸사람: Bill & Diana Ristom
받는사람: BMTA Members
제목 : BMTA TWMS Posting Guidelines
Some section maintainers have asked about which work items should be posted on the
Trail Work Management System (TWMS). The following may help clear things up.
The TWMS is not intended to replace the current system of work reporting for routine
maintenance and work trips.
The TWMS is a tool to get any needed work taken care of as quickly as possible, to
help maintainers collaborate, and to collect and disseminate the information on trail
conditions. Generally, only irregular trail maintenance items, or ones that will take more
than two weeks to clear, are reported. Following are some guidelines (which are now
posted at www.bmta.org/TWMS-Help.htm):
Guidelines for Posting Trail Work
• Before posting a trail work item, please check to be sure it's not already listed.
• If you're not a section maintainer, please post the item.
• If you are a section maintainer, ALWAYS POST THE ITEM when:
- It's not on your own section, or
- It is on your own section and:
• You're not planning, or are unable, to take care of it yourself, or
• You're planning to do it yourself, but not for two weeks or more, or
• You'd like some help with it.
• If you are a section maintainer, DO NOT POST THE ITEM when:
- You will take care of the item yourself within two weeks, or
- The item will be done on a scheduled work trip (trip leader or maintenance director
will post).
Thanks to all of you who have called and written, and also to you who have tested the
system but not yet sent in comments. If nothing unexpected comes up, the TWMS will
be released to the public by the end of this week. Many thanks to all who have made
this possible.
Bill and Diana Ristom
161 Hillview Dr. NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
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