전달 / Late Risers Hike from Wilscot Gap
2007.11.03 10:25
보낸사람: Tom Keene
받는사람: BMTA Members
제목 : Late Risers Hike from Wilscot Gap, 10:00am Sat
BMTA Friends,
Several people I've talked to have not noticed that the hike I'm
leading tomorrow starts at 10:00 AM, not an hour earlier like the others
Saturday morning. It's also rated easier. So... if you get a late
start, come by Wilscot Gap a little before 10:00 AM and join us.
Below are the details, as circulated previously. I'll be home this
evening, if you have questions.
Hike 2:
Leader: Tom Keene, 770-422-4838, tkeene@kennesaw.edu
Description: BMT Section 5 from Wilscot Gap west to Tipton Mountain
(good views of Rocky Mountain and Scroggin Knob).
Distance: 4 miles RT, Difficulty: Easy-Moderate
Start: 10:00 AM (Tom will meet hikers at trailhead; maps will be
available at Park & Ride at 9:00 AM.)
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