산악회 활동

8월 정기산행

앤디 김
2006.08.15 14:41 1,920 0
  • - 첨부파일@@ : 43500082_rhododendronbloomat.jpg (115byte) - 다운로드


Tray Mt 산행길에 피어있는 꽃나무
8월 정기산행

목적지 - Tray Mountain (4430 ft)
만나는 시간과 장소 - 8월27일 8시 AM I-985 EXIT 16번 맥도날

- 편도 드라이브 거리는 맥도날 에서 56 마일로 (비포장도로 6 마일 포함)
   가능하면 추럭 위주로 카플을 할것임.

- 산행거리는 편도 약2.5밀 이고 중식은 운행중에.

Description of summit:  

To get to Tray Mountain, take SR-17/SR-75 to FS-283 (2 miles north of Unicoi Gap). 

The road is marked, but it is not obvious unless you are really looking for it. 

This quickly turns into a well maintained dirt road. 

It almost immediately comes to a shallow creek crossing. 

Follow this for about 4 miles until you reach FS-79 and take a sharp left here (east).  Follow FS-79 for about 2 miles to the parking area at Tray Gap. 

I would suggest that a 4-wheel drive vehicle be used to get to this site,

but the dirt road is well enough maintained that (if the road is in really good shape)

a regular 2-wheel drive vehicle could make it to the parking area. 

The trail to the summit follows the Appalachian Trail. 

It is about a .9 mile hike taking about 1/2 hour to get to the summit. 

The hike through the forest to the top is really beautiful. 

The summit is rather small and has an outcropping of bare rock near the middle.  Shrubby vegetation is found in areas not covered by rock

and short trees come to near the summit on either side, as you follow the trail. 

I collected a wide variety of flies here, many sitting on vegetation at the summit,

particularly on leaves of small blueberry bushes. 

A variety was also collected on the bare rock area.  Excellent collecting here!

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